Monday, July 23, 2018


Setting goals isn’t something you should do because it’s a new year. Goals should be continuously created as you think of them and revised if not after changes and other impactful moments.  You can use the new year to re-prioritize and or set new goals and achievements.
What are your priorities in life? Maybe it's your job, or maybe  improve your family and friends relationship. For some people, their life priority might be their marriage or their education. 



Unknown said...

My life priorities, i have some priorities, it's difficult thinking on one or two, however my first priority is my family, i am married and i have one baby who was one year old, so im the pillot of my family and for them are my priority, at the same time finding the grace of god, because only him can make it.

In second point my work, and my carrer in college i hope finished earlier my engloba course and graduated for my maestría.

So this is my priorities.

Evert López

Anonymous said...

My first priority is graduate from bachelor and master, my family is one of biggest priorities, share with everyone and support them when you need me, créate my own Company, and have a wife and children and do everything that I enjoy doing with them.

Ernesto Espinoza

Katherine Ixquiac said...

The first prioritie in my life is always it is in the ways of God. For my the life priorities in this moment is finish my career of Architecture and graduate mainly because I love my career and is a gift for my family I can graduate. I would study more about my career as designe in the computer more prfesional, any master's degree and study finances because I want to créate my own company and also in my priorities is get married and form a family.

Katherine Ixquiac

Unknown said...

My main priority is having a good job and economic stability so I can have a better and promise future with my girlfriend soon to be my wife and with this form a family that is the base of society. Anothe priority is to finish my career and have my MBA degree so I can have a better job oportunity. I believe that is important also to be more close to family, sometimes for our different activities we are distant and it's good to strenghten family bonds.


Anonymous said...

I am 24 years old and I think in this age the most important thing is to become independent but for that you have to define priorities and in this moment I need to graduate and get a job, because my plan is save money and invest it to have economic and financial solvency and to be independent; I also think that someway it would be a great help for my parents because I still have two little brothers.

-Wendy Zamora.

MBA Economía Empresarial said...

Mu firts prioritie is mi family, my relationship with god because he love me firts. The second prioritie is graduate from Lic. CPA and MBA in the univertity UMG, my third prioritie is my job because is must important for my because i aplicaited my habilitis.

Freddy Ocana

Unknown said...

Set life priorities is the best way to find yourself and to know how you need to do and the way to do it. Life priorities give you a guidance to make choices and define what do you want in your life. Most of the time people forget to include things like peace, health and free time activities between their priorities and that are a huge mistake. At the end, feel peace, feel good and have time must be basic priorities.

One of my priorities is quit my job and work as a freelancer, another is my family and one of the most important is take care about my health.

José Dávila

Anonymous said...

My life priorities, one of my life priorities are my family, I love they some much and i always want them to be well, they are most important for me, are a gift of God.

Other prioritie that I have is graduate in Business Administration from de Mariano Gálvez University, it's most important for me.

Growing laborly is other of my priorities in my life, because a better position will help me to be able to make more archievements.

Jéssica Castillo

Anonymous said...

Well definitely my priority is my family, I really love them and I want can educate to my daugther can watch make her dreams, my home the place when I have tranquility, spend time with my husband, share our dreams. But I want to graduate too and have a better job opportunity.

Flor de Maria Perez

Unknown said...

The majority of persons almost always takes achievements as priorities, as a position classifies or to be obtained in his work, they forget parts that I consider are important, since to happen time with the family, with the friends, to fill with good moments. I do not exclude that it is one of my priorities to be able to have a stable life economically but I think that it is more important to have a life full of peace, love, happiness and faith.

Anonymous said...

The prioritys in my life are first, God and although I don't go to the church God live in my heart becouse he help me to leave and do so much things that have helped me. Then my family are a priority en my life and always be my second priority because they are there whit me in the difficult moments. The studies and the job are my therd's priorities, this are necesaries to help me, help my family, help others and be a better person.

Byron Fajardo

Anonymous said...

In this life we as humans, we have needs, priorities, urgencies and of course things that are the opposite and knowing this, I have come to understand that the highest priority in our lives should be God, since he takes care of us on the road and with to have God in our hearts all the other things that we need are added to our life, the family has the second place, since they are the people that God has given me to live and take care of them, as a third place the study and work , these two go together because if we do not study it is difficult to get a job and if we do not work we do not have experience, the last one would be everything related to friends, parties, adventure and things for entertainment.

Carlos Daniel Cojtin