Monday, July 23, 2018


The term is sometimes used to specifically refer to the spreading of dirt and misinformation as (for example) through excited discussion of scandals. Some newspapers carry "gossip columns" which detail the social and personal lives of celebrities or members of certain communities.

Gossip can be very detrimental to the life of people and may actually cause much damage. 
What do you think about GOSSIPING? 
Have you had any problems because of this reason? 
Do you know someone who likes gossiping? Write your comments.


Unknown said...

I think gossiping is the easist way to show how poor are you inside. Gossiping is the way you show other people how much you value honesty and how honest are you.

I really think people enjoy gossiping are people with big problems, with no goals or dreams, with an unsatisfactory lives and people that haven't really interesting things to do everyday.

Somebody said once something like "poor people talk about other people, regular people talk about things and great people talk about ideas", I think that is a way to resume why some people love gossiping.

José Dávila

Anonymous said...

For me gossiping is a bad practice in te society, and is present in our environment, in the companies where I've worked there's always gossip and this is bad. The media do this to get followers and more now with the use of social networks but when people realize the deception these means are bad.

I do not want to get involved in gossip, I prefer to tell people things in front.

Ernesto Espinoza

Unknown said...

Well I think the persons in sometimes do it gossiping only for divertion, but not it all times, sometimes persons do this because flor damage others only gossiping about other persons.

Personatly i'm haven't problems about this, but I knew other persons have problems, only for bad people gossiping.

A lot of persons like gossiping and make it life style.

Evert López

Anonymous said...

I think the gossiping is something disagreeable and some of the people who do this even live of this. They see the worst thing of the life of others and they should see the worst of they lives and make something to be a better persons.
One time a had a little problem at the work because a woman said something that it wasn´t true.

I don´t know anybody who like gossipin.


Unknown said...

Gossiping can be entertaining for some people and can frequently happen in our offices, but as it is entertaining it doesnt leave anything good for others because it's only to damage the image of a specific person. I'm not the kind of person who likes gossiping, i like to say the things when they have to be told and infront of the person that I have to say it. Gossiping is for people who doesn't occupy their minds in good and usefull things.

JC Fernandez

Anonymous said...

I dont like gossiping people, I always try to respect the lives of others because I dont like to get into my life.
Gossiping people are often very problematic, because they invent thing about others even when they not say the true or exaggerate and its pretty normal for other people getting angry.
The reputation of the gossiping people is not good because nobody trust them.

-Wendy Zamora.

Unknown said...

The gossip it's a global problem, it happens in this country as well as in others. I think the media have been had a big participation in all this. The people privacy has been lost, the trust has been lost, the friends have been lost. Many people have had big problems when other persons talk lies about something they saw and maybe it's not true.

Pablol8v said...

Gossiping its a very common problem everywhere, for more trying to be a good person someone will talk bad about you, never i have a problem with the gossiping but my friends have had problems with other person ending in a fight, a friend likes gossip but I try to stay as far as possible, Socrates said this to a gossiper: If what you want to tell me is not true, good or useful, then it is better that you keep it just for you.

Pablo Sanchez

Anonymous said...

Gossiping is a problem that you can see en every place, in the job and can see in your own family, is important try don´t involucrate because you can have problems, in my case is sad but one aunt always like talk about others and she told to my grandmother that I didn´t go to the college, but when was my graduation she apoligized to my mother for talking lies.

Flor de María Pérez

Katherine Ixquiac said...

I consider that the Gossiping is a theme very delicate in the momento of apply it a our life. The gossiping is a habit bad because form biggest problems whit persons. I consider that a persona he talks to you about something personal It is better not to tell someone else to avoid problems and first name one as a gossip. I believe that the person said a secret is better be reserved. In my person i have not it type of problem. The persons that I know that are gossiping this between family and friends.

Katherine Ixquiac

Unknown said...

The gossip are a problem that concerns the socity, it can be taken as a form of violence since we do not know the level of hurt that can be generated to the person of the one that one is rumorando.
I think that it is a waste of time to count pieces of gossip. We can converse of many topics that they can contribute to our knowledge.

Anonymous said...

I something said "that person enjoy gossiping more than a glass of water", i know some people that really enjoy gossiping, probably for fun or maybe they have some problems in life that really prefer to be living another person life. For me a person who gossiping all the time is not what i really want to have near of my life because i know that in some moment i will be the center of their gossiping. A good way to avoid gossiping is to have clear goals and drive our lives around the actions that we need to follow in order to achieve those goals.


Max Cortez

MBA Economía Empresarial said...

I think gossip is very bad for the person, because it is wrong information, many time the topics in a discussion the person who like gossip is wrong information and often serves only to distort the people you are talking about.

I don't like show the tv the gossip the famous people because is private life them.

Freddy Ocana

Unknown said...

I think gossip is a social problem, which is practiced by people who have no respect for the privacity or other people live or just want to have a topic of conversation, really the gossip is everywhere, at work, at the university, In the school, on the bus, anywhere, the gossip gets larger and bigger and with it is transmitted until you get information that is probably not real or is exaggerated.

When someone tells you a gossip, break the chain do not show interest, if you want respect, respect others.