Monday, July 9, 2018


We all have dreams. Some dreams are reachable and some are not. We can always make an effort to reach those dreams and make them come true. 

People have different goals and dreams, maybe professional or sentimental or maybe academic. 

                                                 What are your dreams in life?           
What do you want to achieve in life?  
What are your academic, family, friends or maybe economic dreams?
                                                Write a list of 10 goals you have.


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Unknown said...

I think in sometimes DREAMS are the only reason to keep in fight and get up everyday. Dreams are those goals, the bigger goals, dreams give meaning to each moment and give sense to every sacrifice in your life.

Since four o five years ago I changed the whole list of my dreams, in my tops I have goals like peace, economic stability and enjoy my family. I stopped to thinking in my future and started to enjoy my present, that's the best way I could find to make my dreams come true.

José Dávila

Anonymous said...

The dreams are determining part of our lives, because without them you would not have goals to go trougth and want to reach in our lives. you have to work hard every day to reach goals until you reach dreams.I have many dreams, but the most important ones are, Buy my house, have my own business, have my family, that my family have a good life, give a excelent education to my childrens, that my mom not work anymore and live good. But in short time is graduate from master.

Ernesto Espinoza

Anonymous said...

I have so many dreams in my life, but some ones of my dreamas are: Get to have so much money to help me first, and then helpful to all the part of my family who need money and all the people who live on the street that I could help.
I want achieve have a prosper family that help each other, going for the right way, ever keeping modesty and thanksgiving whit my celestial father for all that he have been gave me.


Anonymous said...

I really feel like a dreamer, I am always thinking in my future and my goals.

In my list I can mention:
I want to have a clothing brand, and I worked in my business model and I think that it will be very successfull because it is based on exclusivity.
I want to write a book, is a novel because I think I am creative and I really like imagine stories and write, right now I have the story in my mind and my goal is to finish it this year.
I want to graduate in this year and learn english because I want to travel around the world and on a trip go to Broadway and see a play-acting like "Les Miserables".
Almong others.

-Wendy Zamora.

Unknown said...

Since I was a child I have dreamed about many things, some ones already have been happened and I feel very happy, but I'm still fighting to reach news goals.
I will mention some goals
1. Graduate to the university.
2. Get married.
3. Buy a new car
4. Buy my own house.
5. Create a new company.
6. Have a baby.
7. Travel abroad.
8. Travel in a cruise.
9. Fly on airplane.
10. Be very successful

Anonymous said...

I think es very important always have dreams in our life and know that never is impossible if you try hard to get it. In each stage i think your dreams change, for example in this moment my big dream is can be a great mother for my daughter, she is my best gift and inspiration and i just want can teach a great values. Some goals that i have are: Graduate from public accountant and audit, pay the house, travel with my family, Jump from a parachute, have my own schedule at my job.

Flor de María Pérez

Unknown said...

One of my dreams in life is to finish my MBA and graduate from college, that will open more doors for me to get a better job, which I want to achieve so I can be financial stable and give my family more chances in life. In my personal life, I want to get married with my girlfriend and have a family form with values and principles which is what we need in our society.


Unknown said...

Mainly for have a dream needed a vision for the future. My dream academic is graduate of architecture in interior design anda study more bronches about my career to get more more proffesional drawing. About my dream of my family is be able to travel to other conutry part of Europe. My dream economic is have a company of architecture. the situation about the friends my dream is always be helpful when they need it and to be every day a best daughter. I want to achive in my life is:
1. Always be healthy
2. travel more in different countrys
3. Buy a new car
4. Buy a new house
5. Get marrie
6. Be able help to dogs of the street
7. Graduate of my career
8. study gardening design
9. Learn other lenguage
10. Study finances

Katherine Ixquiac

Unknown said...

Hello everyone, throughout my life I have had many dreams since I was a little kid and dreamed of having a pet and now I have grown and I am a few steps away from graduating as systems engineer, now I dream of seeing my children grow together to my wife and support them in everything I can, I dream of living some years in Germany, I dream of being a person who can contribute something to others and have God in my way, dreams are not easy to reach and nothing It is impossible, we can make them step by step.

Carlos Daniel Cojtin

Unknown said...

For my life I have many goals and dreams that I want to fulfill, since they it are to reach my career satisfactorily and to specialize myself in gastroenterology, to play the role of my great person, to be able to help many persons and be useful for the company, also I want to have a nice house, cars and probably a stable family. My goals are:
1. To reach my career of general doctor.
2. To specialize myself in gastroenterology.
3. To have a house.
4. To have a car. 5.
To have a clinic

Anonymous said...

I have many dreams, but the most important dream that i have is been a good member of my family supporting all the members in the best way that i could, in my life i want to finally get the engineer degree from the UMG something that is really close, maybe one or two years more and i finally will be an engineer.

Maybe something that i have to say about dreams is that a person that is really commitment with their dreams probably is going to get it, but all those dreams has to come with an ethics code, is not valid to brake any las in order to archive a dream.
My personal bucket list of goals:

1. Get my systems engineer degree.
2. Get married with the women that i love.
3. Have a trip to south Africa.
4. Learn to play guitar.
5. Loose weight.
6. Get a promotion in my job.
7. Read more books per year than i currently do.
8. Been able to understand a full movie without any translation from english.
9. Get a new car soon.
10. Been able to pay my mortgage soon.


Max Cortez

Pablol8v said...

I have many dreams, but not achieved without effort, one of the dreams i can say is that i would like to finish my baccalaureate then start systems engineering , get a good job, learn english, french and japanese, get married, buy a house and a car, study medicine, discover a cure for a deadly disease, make a shelter for street animals, travel all over the world.

Pablo Sanchez

Unknown said...

My dreams are, to be a bilingual person and to be able to develop without any problem in other countries, this will also help me work as they will take me into account in other types of jobs.
I also dream of traveling to other countries and being able to meet new places and people.

Evert López

MBA Economía Empresarial said...


I feel my dreams because they are the motor for my objetives in the life, when i have a dream think it can be achieved and i think i must do to achieve it.

i kwon the not all dreams are achievable, i have dream the traveling in the world with mi family, know the beaches of rio de janeiro in brazil.

I have a dream the gratuation in te university because is a very important for me.

Freddy Ocana